Hide ads and other popups easily We've added an option to automatically hide most ads and popups. This option can hide ads, subscriptions, and most popups on many websites. You may find websites on which this option does not hide an ad or messes up the layout of the site. Please report these issues to help us improve our ad blocker.

hide_popups=1 API parameter

Add hidepopups=1 to your API calls. This option is available with all API calls that generate screenshots:

You will find the new option in the dashboard under Advanced options:

Hide popups

And on the Batch page under Advanced options:

Hide popups

A couple of examples

Here are a few sites with the feature turned off (hide_popups=0) and enabled (hide_popups=1).

Le Monde, cookie popup (hide_popups=0)

Le Monde cookie popup

Le Monde, hide_popups=1

Hide Le Monde cookie popup

Common advertising over the main content (hide_popups=0)

Le Monde cookie popup


Hide Le Monde cookie popup

If this does not work

This new feature works on most websites. If it does not work on a page, you can use the automation steps to handle more complex cases. You can find examples on our blog.